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illy Art Collection收藏杯 - Stefan Sagmeister

illy Art Collection收藏杯 - Stefan Sagmeister

定價 $1,088.00
定價 售價 $1,088.00
特價 售罄


Sagmeister出生於1962年奧地利夏季有名的音樂節城市—布雷根茲(Bregenz)。中學時在一堂電機課程中偶然發掘出自己對於圖像及視覺設計的熱愛,轉而開啟了設計之路。一路從非主流雜誌插圖、青年學運宣傳單、演唱會海報,到後來於紐約發揚光大,協助國際搖滾巨星如Lou Reed, David Byrne, Pat Metheny以及the Rolling Stones等設計專輯海報和封面,並深入參與古根漢美術館各項重要提案。



illy Art Collection揉合藝術的咖啡文化,將咖啡的感官愉悅與藝術的美學愉悅結合起來。我們相信品味咖啡不應限於味覺,真正的享受要同時滿足色、香、味。因此illy 藝術收藏品就誕生了,將藝術元素融入各類咖啡容杯中,將喝濃縮咖啡的行為轉變為一種涉及感官和心靈的體驗。


Product Details

The Designer

This illy Art Collection designed by Stefan Sagmeister. Short term media like Twitter and hourly news create an impression of a world out of control, with democracy in peril, ubiquitous conflicts and an overall outlook of doom. But if we look at developments concerning the world from a long term perspective - the only sense making way - many aspects concerning humanity seem to get better. All of us live longer. Around the world, significantly fewer people suffer from abject poverty, more people live in democracies than ever before. 200 years ago 9 out of 10 people could neither read nor write, now it is just 1 out of 10.

Illy Art Collection

A passion for beauty and well-made objects, a deep admiration for contemporary art , and our blend’s exceptional quality all led us to combine coffee’s sensory pleasure with the aesthetic pleasure of art by rethinking an everyday object: the coffee cup.

This is how the illy Art Collections are born: small works of art in the form of a cup, numbered and signed, transforming the act of drinking an espresso into an experience that involves the senses and mind.

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• Standard delivery fee $50 applied on order below $400

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• Free shipping on orders of $1000 or more
• Standard delivery fee $100 applied on order below $1000

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