To ensure a sustainable supply of green coffee, illycaffè has adopted the DNV “Sustainable Procurement Process” (SPP), a sustainability protocol applicable to organisations that intend to integrate sustainable development principles and corporate social responsibility in their goods and service supply policies and practices. The Protocol was developed taking into consideration the main international standards and guidelines on the topic of sustainability and supply, including regulations ISO 20400:2017 (Sustainable Procurement – Guidance) and ISO 26000:2010 (Guidance on Social Responsibility). This Protocol belongs to DNV, a global leader of certification services, and among other things evaluates the implementation of sustainable supply policies, strategies and objectives, as well as suppliers’ qualification and monitoring processes on relevant ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) aspects, promoting continual improvements throughout the production supply chain. To verify that the green coffee purchasing process conducted by illycaffè is in compliance with the Protocol, we undergo an annual inspection by DNV, which is an independent entity.

Declaration of conformity - Sustainable Procurement Process

ISO 9001

In1996, illy wasEurope’s first coffee companyto earn the highly-regardedISO 9001certification, attesting toadherencetostrict quality requirementsthroughout itsproduction system.

Certification ISO 9001 - Trieste Certification ISO 9001 - Robecchetto

ISO 14001

illy earnedISO 14001certification in2003, an international standard, applicable to all types of enterprise that establishes a management system’s effectiveness inmonitoringtheenvironmental impactof company activities.  The goal is to encourage systematic improvements in a coherent, effective, and above all, sustainable manner.

Certification ISO 14001 - Trieste Certification ISO 14001 - Robecchetto

ISO 50001

illycaffè obtained ISO 50001 certification in 2015.

ISO 50001 is based on the systematic approach toenergy management, which enables the continual improvement of energy performance. This facilitates theintegrationof energy management into our global efforts to improvequalityandenvironmental management, in the interests ofsustainability.

Certification ISO 50001 - Trieste

ISO 45001

In 2019, illycaffè S.p.A. achieved ISO 45001 certification. The new ISO 45001 standard allows organisations to proactively improve the prevention of injuries and reduce the impact of work on health, safeguarding the organisational structure of companies.

ISO 45001 Certification - illycaffè Italia

 UNI/PDR 125

The UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification recognizes organizations' commitment to adopting a systemic approach and cultural change, aimed at creating inclusive and equal workplaces by assessing six specific areas: culture and strategy, governance, processes in human resources, opportunities for women's growth and inclusion in the company, gender pay equity, parenting protection and work-life balance. 

Certification UNI PdR 125 - illycaffè Italia


 In 2007, illycaffè S.p.A. achieved BRC (currently BRCGS) Food certification, which certifies the ability to manufacture a product according to defined quality and food safety requirements.

BRCGS Food Certification - Trieste
BRCGS Food Certification - Robecchetto

 IFS Food

 In 2007, illycaffè S.p.A. achieved IFS certification, which attests to a food manufacturer the ability to produce safe, authentic and quality products in accordance with legal requirements and customer specifications.

Certification IFS Food - Trieste


 Since 2010, illycaffè's food safety management system has been verified against HACCP principles.

HACCP Certification - Trieste


 In 1996, illycaffè achieved Kosher certification, which certifies that its products are manufactured according to the laws of kosherùt

Kosher Certification - Trieste e Robecchetto


 In 2008, illycaffè achieved Halal certification, which certifies that the food products manufactured meet the requirements of Islamic law.

Halal Certification - Trieste e Robecchetto

Chain of Custody di regenagri®

The regenagri® certification provides chain of custody certification of materials originating from farms certified to the regenagri Standard. The chain of cusdody standard is used to certify the content of regeneratively grown coffee, from first processing point to the final product

regenagri® Certification - Trieste

IGP Colombia

 PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) Colombia certification guarantees the authenticity of the product's origin and compliance with Café de Colombia quality standards.

 PGI Colombia Certification - Trieste