Privacy Policy

Kerry Coffee (Hong Kong) Limited is strongly committed to protecting your privacy. We use the personal data we collect on the site for various purposes. Use of such personal data will help us to add more products and services of interest to you and also to ensure that your shopping experience with us is an enjoyable and personalized one. Please read on for more details on our policies and practices in relation to personal data:

1. Our Pledge

We pledge to meet fully, and where possible to exceed, the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong). In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.

2. Protection of Information

We use sophisticated encryption technology and secure servers to keep your personal information (including your name, email and mailing address, telephone number, credit card information and purchase history) safe. All your ordering information is protected during transmission by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which encrypts the information that you input so that it cannot be read in transit. Other security measures include restricting access to personal data to employees who have a need to use the data and who have been trained to handle such data properly and observe confidentiality. No unauthorized access will be allowed.

3. Cookies

We use cookies in order to improve your shopping experience when you visit Cookies are small pieces of information that your web browser stores on your computer when you visit a website. Our cookies let us personalize your visits to the site and recognize you when you return. Information collected from these cookies may be used for the purposes laid out in this Privacy Policy Statement.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can disable cookies on your computer by indicating this in the preferences or options menus in your browser. If you disable cookies, you will not be able to shop at but will still be able to visit selected areas of the site.

4. Websites of third parties

When you click on links and/or ad banners that take you to either third parties websites or websites of companies associated with Kerry Coffee (Hong Kong) Limited, you will be subject to the privacy policies of those parties. Whilst we support the protections of privacy on the internet, Kerry Coffee (Hong Kong) Limited cannot be responsible for the actions of parties outside our web domain.

Personal Information Collection Statement

5. Personal data that we collect

Types of personal data that may be collected or held by us include: Name; contact details including telephone number, mailing address, email address; and payment methods that you use, including the details, such as credit card numbers.

6. Purposes of collection

The personal data collected will be used for the following purposes:

Fulfilling your orders for products and services, order processing and payment clearing; responding to your inquiries, suggestions and opinions; and fulfilling any purpose directly related to the above purposes.

Membership registration:
When you join the site as a member, we need to know your name, email and mailing addresses. We hope that you complete the profile survey on a voluntary basis in order to allow us to serve you better.

Ordering information:
When you place an order with, you will be asked to provide details such as credit card number and mailing address. This allows us to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status.

The provision of such personal data is voluntary. However, we may not be able to fulfill the purposes stated above or provide service to you if such data have not been provided. We may contact you to verify the accuracy of the data supplied. We will not retain your personal data longer than necessary.

7. Direct marketing

Besides, we intend to use your personal data to market or promote products or services, or to conduct activities as follows:

sending information in relation to our products and services, activities, contests, promotions and events; marketing and promoting activities (including contests) for us, our vendors, business partners and other selected companies; joint marketing schemes with other third parties; customizing promotional offers and advertising contents, so as to streamline your shopping experience with us; providing personalized marketing and promotional information (including benefits and privileges) to you; collecting statistical information, conducting analysis for business analysis purposes; conducting surveys relating to our customers, products or services;
evaluation and further enhancement of our products and services; and fulfilling any purpose directly related to the above purposes.

Membership privileges:
Members enjoy many privileges, including newsletters, participation in special offers and promotions, and streamlined shopping experience. We may provide personalized services, send out free product samples or other special benefits.

Contests and Promotions:
We may from time to time organize or host contests and promotions and in doing so ask for information including your name, email and mailing address, telephone number. We will use this information to notify you if you have won a contest, and to help shape our future contests or promotions.

But before we do so, we need your consent. Please indicate your consent by checking the appropriate box on our online form. You may, at any time and without charge, request us to change your preference chosen or not to use your personal data in direct marketing. Please update your preference in our website or inform our Customer Service Representative through the contact details specified in “Further Information” below.

8. Transfer of personal data

All personal data you give us is kept confidential and protected, but we may provide such personal data to the following parties for the same purposes as laid out above in this Privacy Policy Statement:

any other company within the KLN of companies, whether within or outside Hong Kong, for any of the purposes stated in this form. If you do not wish us to transfer as such, please inform our Customer Service Representative through the contact details specified in “Further Information” below;
any agent, contractor or service provider who provides administrative, order processing, payment clearing, credit reference, debt collecting or other services necessary to the operation of our business; and
any person to whom we are, in our belief in good faith, under an obligation to make disclosure as required by any applicable law.
Kerry Coffee (Hong Kong) Limited may also provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns and related site information to reputable third-party vendors, but these statistics will include no personal data that uniquely identifies an individual. We will not sell or disclose any personal data that identifies you to any third party without your approval.

9. Rights of access and update of personal data

You may check whether we hold any of your personal data and, if so, may also request access, update or correction, or request a copy of your personal data held by us by contacting our Customer Service Representative through the contact details specified in “Further Information” below.

We may take reasonable steps to verify your identity before entertaining your request. A reasonable fee may be charged to cover our administrative costs. We will endeavour to respond to you within a reasonable time.

10. Amendment to Privacy Policy Statement

If we decide to change this Privacy Policy Statement, we will publish the amended Statement on this webpage, so that you will always be aware of our policies and practices in relation to personal data.

11. Further Information:

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy Statement, please contact our Customer Service Representative:

by telephone: +852 2410 4228. (Business Hour: Monday to Friday 0900 to 1300; 1400 to 1800, except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday) (Hong Kong is GMT +8)

by e-mail: